Marie Curie in her lab. Wikimedia Commons.
The Curie Pavilion at the Radium Institute, Paris 1925 © Association Curie Joliot-Curie
Marie Curie's discoveries had a huge impact on the world, advancing energy, weaponry and health.
Radiation is used today to produce radioactive energy; in healthcare to treat cancer and produce imaging such as X-rays, CAT scans and MRIs; in disciplines like forensics to solve crimes and archaeology to date artifacts; and it is also used in household objects like microwave ovens and smoke detectors.
Most importantly, Marie Curie had an impact on science for women. Before her, people thought that women were "not fit" for science. However, her pioneering work and her incredible drive, changed women's careers in science for ever.
"We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained."
— Marie Curie
Marie Curie in her chemistry laboratory at the Radium Institute in France © Nationaal Archief of the Netherlands
Marie Curie receiving the American College of Radiology gold medal in 1931.
RadiologyACR, PATHE NEWS, 1931 (notice "helped husband")
Pierre and Marie Curie are buried in the Pantheon in Paris, along with other French thinkers. She was the first woman to be so honored for her own merits.
Marie Curie will forever be remembered as a heroine not only for advancing science, but also for overcoming barriers of gender and discrimination. She remains an inspiration for women in every field and for barrier-breakers everywhere.
“La Nuit au Panthéon,” 2018, in
Have no fear of perfection; you'll never reach it."
— Marie Curie